Facts that prove the book of mormon

May 03, 2014 mcconkie and millets four volume doctrinal commentary on the book of mormon is good, although it is as conservative a series as you might guess a work by a man sporting the names of both joseph fielding smith and bruce r. This is not difficult, contrary to what oaks claims. The chief claim, and the premise of the entire book, is that hebrews carried the message of the coming messiah on a voyage across the atlantic. The case for the book of mormon wont likely be won in a courtroom or a. The video begins with one classmate challenging another to prove their belief that the book of mormon is true. Oct 06, 2018 one aspect of the book of mormon which cant be ignored is the massive scale of death, i mean between the jaredite, lamanite, and nephite peoples were talking 6 million dead on the low. Mcconkie and millets four volume doctrinal commentary on the book of mormon is good, although it is as conservative a series as you might guess a work by a man sporting the names of both joseph fielding smith and bruce r. Many readers have posed this question, both out of genuine interest and also as.

This evidence has long been a topic of debate with most archaeologists concluding that the. Mormons are so desperate to prove their religion true that they will take anything even remotely related and trump it up to be the final piece of evidence. Gods compelling witness of the book of mormon giuseppe martinengo see more. While this was a late recollection on cannons part, anderson justifies using it by stating that cannon had a remarkable intellect and a. Thus, it can be seen that archaeological evidence for the book of mormonwhich does exist, as will be discussed shortlydoes not constitute proof, nor does it.

I wanted to determine how many evidences were found in the book of mormon. Two of the most prevalent claims for the book of mormon are, there is much archaeological proof to the book of mormon, and the american indians are descendants of israelites who came to america as described in the book of mormon. Far from proving the book of mormon true, moroni 10. Serious study of the book of mormon by latterday saints is flourishing today as never before.

The book of mormon contained many contradictions and inaccuracies, so smith wrote his own bible. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of mormon by rich deem introduction. In march, 2010, the 100 millionth copy of the book of mormon was printed. Critics of the book of mormon have argued that there are words and phrases in the book that are anachronistic with archaeological findings. All subsequent editions of the book of mormon 1837 present show joseph smith as the translator. Others invoke the limited geography model, regarding the. Everything about the book of mormon on broadway quiz.

Facts on the book of mormon witnesses part 2 mormons. The volume has long invited scrutiny from all branches of science. The process of editing the book of mormon continues to this day, with the latest changes occuring in 1981. Could joseph smith have authored the book of mormon. All of these things, and many more found in the book of mormon, are certainly compelling, but they do not prove that the book of mormon is a true account that was translated by the prophet joseph smith from ancient plates that he unearthed with the assistance of an angel. The mormon apologist, researchers and historians have tried to explain book of mormon facts and archaeology by presenting information and claims that will fit into established archaeology accepted model.

In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove. Many a learned person has asked the same thing about the. The video first ran in october of 2018, but still does a good job of presenting the case that the book of mormon is not a work of fiction. The book of mormon contains the fullness of the gospel of jesus christ. Over the years, many critics of the book of mormon have acknowledged its merits. It doesnt replace the bible but it certainly clarifies doctrines that have been skewed over the years by many translations. The historicity of the book of mormon religious studies. Mormons believe that because the bible is imperfect, there was the need for the book of mormon bom that was supposedly given to the prophet joseph smith by an angel called. It has a persuasive enough history on its own, but you cant prove the truth of the book of mormon with facts alone.

Non mormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. It is also the source of the common nickname for the church and its followers, mormons. Facts in the bible to prove the mormon church wrong. Some point to what they claim is evidence for the presence of these items and locations. The book, lyrics, and music, were written by trey parker, robert lopez, and matt stone. The scientific legacy of a quest to prove the book of mormon. Archaeological science versus claims of the book of mormon.

Richard anderson investigating the book of mormon witnesses, 1981 admits the third handnature of this account, but still uses it as evidence, attributing its most accurate telling to george q. As seen by science, the book of mormon is stronger today than it was in 1830, 1844, 1950, or even 2000, so i expect it will continue to become stronger in the future. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand. The church of jesus christ of latterday saints fast facts cnn. Many a learned person has asked the same thing about the bible or even the existence of god. Proof that the book of mormon is true book of mormon facts. The book of mormon evidence and facts will not fit into the established archaeology model. The power of the holy ghost must ever be the chief source of evidence for the book of mormon. Is there any archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. Mormon beliefs are also shown to contradict both the bible and the book of mormon. Spiritual experiences are subjective and cannot be relied upon exclusively to determine if the book of mormon is a work of fact or fiction. Joseph smiths translation and publication of the book of mormon.

These relate to artifacts, animal, plant, or technology that critics believe did not exist in the americas during the book of mormon time period before 2500 bc to. So be careful, miss pot, about calling the kettle black. Youve been told from a young age that you must come to know that the book of mormon is true, despite the unreliability of your method, which is used in many religions, even those with completely contrasting doctrines, to achieve the same results. In 1823, the angel moroni allegedly visited mormon prophet joseph smith and divulged the location of some golden plates containing the fullness of the everlasting gospel. You have some truth, but you dont have the fullness of the gospel like we do. Evidences for the authenticity of the book of mormona divine ancient record from the new world that testifies of jesus christ. The book of mormon is the only explanation for this scripture. Archaeological evidence and the book of mormon evidence, proof, and belief. The book of mormon makes several scientific claims that can be tested. Jan 23, 2016 all of these things, and many more found in the book of mormon, are certainly compelling, but they do not prove that the book of mormon is a true account that was translated by the prophet joseph smith from ancient plates that he unearthed with the assistance of an angel. Jul 11, 2011 richard anderson investigating the book of mormon witnesses, 1981 admits the third handnature of this account, but still uses it as evidence, attributing its most accurate telling to george q. One aspect of the book of mormon which cant be ignored is the massive scale of death, i mean between the jaredite, lamanite, and nephite peoples were talking 6 million dead on the low.

The key to knowing whether the book of mormon is a true record of the saviors dealings with an ancient people is to read the book with an open mind and follow the steps outlined by the book of mormon prophet moroni near the end of the book which reads. Proof that the book of mormon is true, excerpt from. Mormons wont tell you that the state of utah, which is predominately mormon, has a higher than the national average of. But the book of mormon means so much more to latterday saints. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. First, the lands of the book of mormon have not been securely identified, and, second, archaeology keeps adding facts to stories of what happened in particular pasts. Jan 18, 2018 how a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand ended up losing his faith. Supporting evidences of the book of mormon are broadly identifiable. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on not only the subject of archaeology, but also. Five compelling archeological evidences for the book of mormon.

This is important because the latterday saints make such a point about it containing the fullness of the everlasting gospel. According to joseph smith and subsequent presidents and apostles of the lds church, the geographical extent of book of mormon lands included virtually all of north and south america. Unlike the bible, the book of mormon was only translated once. In this case, i am referring to a stone found on the arabian peninsula which has engraved in it. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of mormon. Top 10 facts the mormon church doesnt want its members to. On the other hand, as a strictly logical matter, we cannot logically prove the book of mormon false, in a formal way, which would imply a kind of.

Third, the book of mormon abounds in textual errors, factual errors, and outright plagiarisms from other works. The 1st rule of book of mormon evidence there is no evidence. The primary source of smiths latterday revelation is the book of mormon, and to fully understand his role as the founder of the mormon faith, one must also understand the book of mormon and how it came to be. Moreover, it is a manipulative device which forces insincerity and selfdeception, thus opening the door to demonic influence. A logical proof that mormonism is false by matt slick mormonism teaches that god used to be a man on another world, mormon doctrine by bruce mcconkie, p. Aug 16, 2010 if you apply the same reasoning to your religion, youll find it wanting for facts and correct statements as well. Sadly, even in the light of such obvious facts, some of the best and brightest and most sincere people the world has to offer have fallen for the lies of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. If the book of mormon contains errors, which it does, then it cannot be the word of god and it must be rejected. T he book of mormon is advertized by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints as another testament of jesus christ and specifically of the account of his supposed visit to the american continent the book of mormon, 3 nephi 11. What are some great commentary books on the book of mormon. Dear mormons, you dont know the book of mormon is true. The scientific search for nephite remains mormons in transition. The book of mormon is another witness of jesus christ. Recently, i went through it with a different emphasis and focus.

How could there be so many witnesses of the book of mormon and the plates and not one of them deny their testimony even when some of them became bitter toward joseph smith. Nonmormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. For instance, dan vogel and brent lee metcalfe have. Oct 22, 2018 it has a persuasive enough history on its own, but you cant prove the truth of the book of mormon with facts alone. Mormonism is a religion less than two centuries old, but in this short time it has managed to accrue a long list of embarrassments which the church leaders would prefer were kept. The two classmates then go to court to prove each of their respective cases.

Due to the nature of its origin, that would support the existence of god. Archaeological evidence and the book of mormon fairmormon. Sep, 2007 if the book of mormon contains errors, which it does, then it cannot be the word of god and it must be rejected. Think joseph smith could have gotten that right by sheer chance. These facts establish how plausible it is that the book of mormon really is an artifact of the ancient world.

Members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints do not drink tea, coffee, alcohol, or smoke tobacco, or take illegal drugs. Why is there no archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. Provides concrete evidence disproving the book of abraham, demonstrating that joseph smith was a false prophet. This is to say that book of mormon lands are an unfixed target and that archaeological claims are a moving object. Ten littleknown facts about the book of mormon meridian. Everything about the book of mormon on broadway quiz the book of mormon is a religious satire musical that pokes fun at the beliefs of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Unfortunately, the literature about joseph smith and the book of mormon is permeated with contradiction and controversy. These relate to artifacts, animal, plant, or technology that critics believe did not exist in the americas during the book of mormon time period before 2500 bc to about 400 ad.

The opponents of the historicity of the book of mormon must prove that the people whose religious life it records did not live anywhere in the americas. The book of mormon also tells the reader that after jesus resurrection, he visited america, and other lands to talk to gods children. Thomas stuart ferguson lay in his hammock, certain that he had found. Book of mormon readers are well aware of a tribal group who claimed to descend from a son of king zedekiah named mulek. Mormon is allegedly a prophethistorian who was the native american believed by mormons to have written the book of mormon the main religious text of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints mormonism. Understanding what archaeologists look for in historical. That the book of mormon is not real history a negative can be proved by multiple facts and evidence of which we are all familiar. Thousands of hours of research have produced the current blossoming of book of mormon studies that bless the lives of. That s the last verse in the book of revelation, not the bible. Apr 22, 2016 the book of mormon is an important canon of scripture for members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. It purports to be an ancient document, but it contained the same recent text mistakes as the king james bible. Can you prove the book of mormon is not the word of god. Many members of the latter day saint movement claim historical authenticity of the book of.

Another way of explaining the strength of the positive position on the historicity of the book of mormon is to point out that we who are its proponents are content with a standoff on this question. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand ended up losing his faith. Facts on the book of mormon witnesses part 2 mormons in. The two are like two unknowns in a binomial equation. Top 10 embarrassments of the mormon religion listverse. When you think of historical proof, archaeology tends to be the foremost. The book of revelation was not the last book in the bible to be written. How would you defend the book of mormon in a court. Do you not understand the different dispensations instead of the old testament or new testament why not all the dispensation up to now. Some mormon researchers claim that it is not valid to use genetics to attempt to prove or disprove the historicity of the book of mormon, citing a lack of source genes and the improbability of tracing israelite dna even if present. The overall trend in the date over the past 175 years fits the expectations for the book of mormon as history rather than hoax. The book of mormon, doctrine and covenants and the pearl of great price, are all gods perfect, pure word. It is part of a collection that includes book of mormon evidences, part two, book of mormon evidences, part three, and book of mormon nuggets. Second, the book of mormon contains none of the key mormon doctrines.

Joseph smith, founder of the mormons, plagiarized the book of mormon from four major religious texts. The book of mormon admits that it has contained minor errors in the past, so how can we trust it now. This common query often expresses the questioners incorrect assumptions about archaeological methodologyassumptions usually based the questioners lack of knowledge about a very specialized academic area. If you apply the same reasoning to your religion, youll find it wanting for facts and correct statements as well. The 1st rule of book of mormon evidence there is no. How to witness effectively to mormons breaking the lds authority barrier stepbystep i feel sorry for you. And while we will never prove the book of mormon true, the trajectory of the evidence strongly suggests that it is exactly what it claims to be, a book worthy of our deep study, reflection, and serious personal prayer. Is it possible that a single author wrote the book of mormon. Thats the last verse in the book of revelation, not the bible. The scientific search for nephite remains mormons in. Nov 12, 20 the book of mormon is believed to be the result of joseph smiths communion with the divine. Book of mormon evidences, part one discusses some of the many factors supporting the plausibility of the book of mormon as an ancient document. With a single draft completed in 65 days, an unschooled man of 23 produced a book of over 500 pages, with hundreds of unique names and complex story lines, but you cant prove the truth of the book of mormon with facts alone.

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